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Understanding http and server block

Created 11 months ago
Posted By admin
3min read
The Nginx configuration file has a hierarchical structure and is organized into various blocks and directives. Here's an overview of the key components of the Nginx configuration file structure:

The "http" directive:

In Nginx, the http directive is a top-level configuration block that encompasses settings related to the HTTP protocol. It is a fundamental part of Nginx configuration and includes configurations that are global to the entire web server.

Here's a basic example of an http block:

http {
    # HTTP-related configurations go here

    server {
        # Server-specific configurations go here

    # Additional server blocks can be added for different domains or purposes

    Key points:
  • Top-Level Configuration: The http block is usually placed at the top level of the Nginx configuration file (nginx.conf). It contains settings that apply globally to all server blocks within it.
  • Server Blocks: Inside the http block, you define one or more server blocks. Each server block represents a virtual server or a configuration for handling requests for a specific domain or IP address.
  • HTTP Configuration: Settings within the http block include directives related to HTTP, such as server_names, error_page configurations, proxy settings, and more.

The "server" directive:

The server directive is used within the http block to define server-specific configurations. Each server block represents a virtual server that can handle requests for a specific domain or IP address.

Here's a basic example of a server block:

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name yourdomain.com;

    # Server-specific configurations go here

    location / {
        # Configurations for handling requests go here

   Key points:
  • Listen: The listen directive specifies the IP address and port number to listen on. In this example, it listens on port 80.
  • Server name: The server_name directive defines the domain name associated with this server block. Requests with this domain will be handled by this block.
  • Location block: Inside the server block, you can have one or more location blocks, each specifying configurations for handling requests to specific URL paths.

The final example:

Here's a simple example combining both http and server directives:

http {
    server_names_hash_bucket_size 64;

    server {
        listen 80;
        server_name yourdomain.com;

        location / {
            # Configurations for handling requests go here

    # Additional server blocks and configurations...

In this example, the http block contains global HTTP-related configurations, and the server block handles requests for yourdomain.com with its specific configurations.

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