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Nginx FastCGI Cache

Created 11 months ago
Posted By admin
10min read
Nginx FastCGI Cache is a powerful caching mechanism that enhances the performance of web servers by storing dynamically generated content and serving it quickly to users. This caching solution is particularly useful for websites running dynamic applications, such as content management systems (CMS) or e-commerce platforms, where the content changes frequently.

Understanding FastCGI
FastCGI (Fast Common Gateway Interface) is a protocol designed to improve the speed and efficiency of web servers by separating the web server and the CGI (Common Gateway Interface) process. Unlike traditional CGI, which creates a new process for each request, FastCGI establishes a persistent connection between the web server and the CGI process, resulting in reduced overhead and improved performance.

Benefits of Nginx FastCGI cache
By caching dynamically generated content, Nginx FastCGI Cache reduces the need to regenerate the same content repeatedly. This leads to faster response times for users, resulting in a better overall user experience.

Caching content at the web server level decreases the load on backend servers, as Nginx can serve cached content directly without forwarding requests to the backend. This is particularly advantageous during traffic spikes or heavy load periods.

FastCGI Cache can help conserve bandwidth by serving cached content instead of regenerating it for each request. This is beneficial for websites with a significant amount of repeat visitors or users accessing the same content frequently.

Configure a cache zone
The fastcgi_cache_path directive is used to configure the caching of FastCGI responses. This directive specifies the location where NGINX will store cached data and sets up various parameters for the caching mechanism.
The fastcgi_cache_path directive is typically placed within the http block in NGINX configuration. 

http {
    # Other http block configurations...

    # fastcgi_cache_path directive for FastCGI caching
    fastcgi_cache_path /path/to/cache levels=1:2 keys_zone=my_cache:10m;

    # Other http block configurations...
    server {
        # Server-specific configurations...
- fastcgi_cache_path: This is the directive itself, indicating that you are configuring the FastCGI cache path.

- /path/to/cache: This is the actual filesystem path where NGINX will store the cached data. You should replace this with the desired directory path on your server.

- levels=1:2: This part specifies the directory structure levels for the cached files. In this example, there will be two levels of subdirectories under the main cache directory. The first level will have one subdirectory, and the second level will have two subdirectories. This helps organize and manage a large number of cached files efficiently.

- keys_zone=my_cache:10m: This part defines a shared memory zone named `my_cache` with a size of 10 megabytes (10m). The keys zone is used to store key-value pairs that represent the mapping between cache keys and the corresponding cache data. This is important for efficient cache management.

the fastcgi_cache_path directive in this example is setting up the location for FastCGI caching, defining the directory structure for cached files, and creating a shared memory zone for managing cache keys and data. Remember to adjust the paths and configurations based on your server's requirements.

Implement Nginx FastCGI cache
To implement Nginx FastCGI Cache, you need to configure it within the Nginx server block. Below is a basic example of Nginx configuration for FastCGI Cache:

# Configure FastCGI Cache
fastcgi_cache_path /var/cache/nginx levels=1:2 keys_zone=my_cache:10m;

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name example.com;

    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;

    location ~ \.php$ {
        include fastcgi_params;
        fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php8.2-fpm.sock;
        fastcgi_index index.php;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;

        # Configure FastCGI Cache
        fastcgi_cache my_cache;
        fastcgi_cache_key "$scheme$request_method$host$request_uri";
        fastcgi_cache_valid 200 301 302 5s;
        fastcgi_cache_use_stale updating error;
        fastcgi_cache_bypass $cookie_nocache $arg_nocache $http_pragma $http_authorization;
        add_header X-FastCGI-Cache $upstream_cache_status;

The fastcgi_cache directive is used to enable and configure caching of FastCGI responses.

The fastcgi_cache_valid directive determines the validity period of cached content, specifying for how long cached responses should be considered fresh and served to clients without revalidating with the upstream server.

fastcgi_cache_valid 200 301 302 5s;
- 200 301 302: These are the HTTP status codes for which the caching validity is defined. In this example, responses with status codes 200 (OK), 301 (Moved Permanently), and 302 (Found) will be cached.
- 5m: Specifies the duration for which the cached content is considered valid. In this case, the content remains valid for 5 secondes. The time is expressed using units such as seconds (s), minutes (m), or hours (h).
This directive control how long Nginx should keep cached content before considering it stale and attempting to fetch a fresh copy from the upstream FastCGI server. Setting an appropriate cache validity duration is a balance between serving stale content for performance and ensuring that users receive up-to-date information.

It's important to consider the characteristics of your content and how frequently it changes when configuring fastcgi_cache_valid. For static or infrequently changing content, a longer validity period might be suitable, while dynamic content may require a shorter duration to ensure users receive the latest information.

Keep in mind that cache invalidation is equally important. If the content changes before the validity period expires, Nginx needs a mechanism to refresh the cache. This is typically handled by cache purging or cache expiration strategies.

The fastcgi_cache_use_stale directive determines under what circumstances stale cached content can be served to clients while the cache is being updated in the background.

fastcgi_cache_use_stale updating error;
updating: This parameter specifies that Nginx can serve stale content if the cache is currently being updated in the background. During cache updates, when a request is received, Nginx can serve the existing cached content to avoid delaying the response to the client.
This directive is particularly useful in scenarios where it's acceptable to serve slightly outdated content to users while ensuring that the cache remains fresh. It helps to maintain a seamless user experience during cache updates without introducing delays in response times.

Here are some common use cases for fastcgi_cache_use_stale:
  1. fastcgi_cache_use_stale updating;: Allows serving stale content during cache updates.
  2. fastcgi_cache_use_stale error timeout invalid_header http_500;: Specifies multiple conditions under which stale content can be served. For example, if there is an error, during a timeout, if the response has an invalid header, or in case of a server error (HTTP 500).
It's crucial to carefully choose the conditions under which serving stale content is acceptable, depending on the nature of your application and the impact of serving outdated content.

The fastcgi_cache_bypass directive is used to define conditions under which caching should be bypassed, allowing requests to be processed by the FastCGI server without consulting the cache.

fastcgi_cache_bypass $cookie_nocache $arg_nocache $http_pragma $http_authorization;
$cookie_nocache, $arg_nocache, $http_pragma, $http_authorization: These are variables representing different conditions. In this example:
$cookie_nocache: Bypass caching if a specific cookie, named "nocache," is present.
$arg_nocache: Bypass caching if a query parameter, named "nocache," is present.
$http_pragma: Bypass caching if the request includes a "Pragma: no-cache" header.
$http_authorization: Bypass caching if the request includes an "Authorization" header.
This directive is useful for scenarios where certain requests should always be processed by the FastCGI server, bypassing the cache. For example, requests with specific cookies or headers indicating a preference for fresh content.

Here are some common use cases for fastcgi_cache_bypass:
  1. fastcgi_cache_bypass $cookie_nocache;: Bypass caching for requests where a specific cookie is present.
  2. fastcgi_cache_bypass $arg_nocache;: Bypass caching for requests with a specific query parameter.
  3. fastcgi_cache_bypass $http_pragma $http_authorization;: Bypass caching if the request includes a "Pragma: no-cache" header or an "Authorization" header.
It's important to choose conditions that align with your application's requirements and the reasons for bypassing the cache. For example, bypassing the cache for authenticated requests or requests explicitly requesting fresh content can be necessary.

The add_header directive is used to add custom headers to HTTP responses. In the context of FastCGI Cache, the X-FastCGI-Cache header is often used to provide information about the caching status of a particular request.

add_header X-FastCGI-Cache $upstream_cache_status;
- X-FastCGI-Cache: This is a custom header that will be added to the HTTP response.
- $upstream_cache_status: This variable contains the status of the caching operation for the current request. It reflects whether the response was served from the cache or if it required fetching from the FastCGI server.
Here are some possible values for $upstream_cache_status:
  • HIT: The response was served from the cache.
  • MISS: The response was not found in the cache and needed to be fetched from the FastCGI server.
  • EXPIRED: The cached content has expired, and the response required fetching a fresh copy from the FastCGI server.
  • STALE: The response was served from stale cache content while the cache is being updated in the background.
  • UPDATING: The cache is currently being updated, and stale content is served to clients according to the fastcgi_cache_use_stale directive.
This X-FastCGI-Cache header is helpful for debugging and monitoring purposes. Web developers and administrators can inspect the response headers to understand how Nginx is handling caching for a specific request. It provides insights into whether the content is being served from the cache or if a new copy is fetched from the FastCGI server.

Nginx FastCGI Cache is a valuable tool for optimizing the performance of dynamic websites. By intelligently caching dynamically generated content, it significantly improves response times, reduces server load, and enhances the overall user experience. Proper configuration and adherence to best practices are essential for maximizing the benefits of Nginx FastCGI Cache in your web server environment.

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