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Installing and configuring SSH

Created 9 months ago
Posted By admin
3min read
To install the SSH server on a Debian-based system, you can use the following steps. Open a terminal on your Debian machine and follow these commands:

I. Install
1. Update the package repository information:
sudo apt update
2. Install the OpenSSH server:
sudo apt install openssh-server
3. Once the installation is complete, the SSH server should start automatically. You can check its status with:
sudo systemctl status ssh
If it's not running, you can start it with:
sudo systemctl start ssh
To enable the SSH server to start at boot, run:
sudo systemctl enable ssh
Now, your Debian system should have the SSH server installed and running. You can connect to it using an SSH client from another machine.

If you are looking to install an SSH client on Debian (though it's usually included by default), you can do so with:
sudo apt install openssh-client
This will install the necessary client tools for connecting to other SSH servers. After installation, you can use the ssh command to connect to remote servers.

Remember to configure your firewall if it's running to allow SSH traffic (port 22 by default). If you are connecting to the SSH server from a remote machine, ensure that the SSH port is accessible through your network.

II. Config
The SSH configuration file on Debian is typically located at /etc/ssh/sshd_config for the SSH server and /etc/ssh/ssh_config for the SSH client. Here's how you can edit the configuration files:

1. Open the SSH server configuration file using a text editor. You may need elevated privileges, so use sudo:
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
You can replace nano with your preferred text editor, such as vim or gedit.

2. Make the necessary changes in the configuration file. Some common configurations you might want to adjust include:
   - Port number (default is 22)
   - PermitRootLogin (allow or deny root login)
   - PasswordAuthentication (allow or deny password authentication)
   - AllowUsers (specify which users are allowed to connect)

3. Save the changes and exit the text editor.

4. Restart the SSH service to apply the changes:
sudo systemctl restart ssh
  • Always make a backup of the configuration files before making changes, especially if you're not familiar with the configuration parameters.
  • After making changes to the server configuration, it's important to restart the SSH service for the changes to take effect.
  • When editing configuration files, be careful with syntax and spacing. Incorrect configurations may cause issues with the SSH service.
  • If you encounter any errors or issues, you can use the systemctl status ssh command to check the status of the SSH service and journalctl -xe for additional error information.

    Remember that changes to the SSH server configuration may impact the security and accessibility of your system, so it's crucial to understand the implications of the changes you make.

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